My Boyfriend Left - What Can I Do?
I realize your first instinct is to try to do whatever it takes to get him back immediately, but try to resist that tactic.
Look, right now you are in a state of shock and frankly not thinking real straight.
Now, I'm not saying not to try and get him back but there is a better way and I'll give you a few tips for getting your boyfriend back.
First of all, don't start calling him and begging him to come back.
Actually whatever you are feeling at this point you will probably want to do the exact opposite.
If you want to call him, DON"T.
Don't email, text, call or send a carrier pigeon.
Cut off all communication for awhile let him wonder what you are up to.
Also, don't get all depressed and never leave the house.
In fact, get out, go to a movie, go out with friends or family.
Accept the fact that, at least for now, he has chosen to move on.
Let him know that you are okay with that and allow the "moving on" process to work.
Really what he needs right now is some time to think about your relationship and realize that he misses you.
At the same time you need time to consider your options.
Now, let me say this.
If this was an abusive relationship, run don't walk away and don't look back.
I would never try to encourage anyone to try to "fix" an abusive partner.
Get out and stay out, count your blessings that he is gone.
Ok, so after some time has passed you will want to start planning how and where you will meet.
In fact, by not pursuing him he might even start pursuing you again.
You might find that he will find you a bit mysterious and that can work in your favor.
Make your first couple of meetings short, don't give him much time.
Use your time together to discover if he is wanting you back.
Even if he does, don't rush it, make sure that is what you want as well.
Relationship are like the ocean tides, they ebb and flow, they are up and down.
The important thing to keep in mind is that the world doesn't end even if the relationship does.
Keep your dignity intact, don't beg, plead or cry trying to make him feel sorry for you.
You will only look pathetic and you will be giving him the upper hand.
Understand that just because your boyfriend left you can get him back again.