How Can I Make My Ex Believe Me? 5 Ways To Get Through To A Stubborn And Head Strong Ex!
It's as though you are talking to a wall, most of the time, because your ex appears to be stubborn and head strong, and won't listen to a word you have to say! So how can you make your ex understand and believe you? How can you get through to your ex? Use these 5 tips to get through to a stubborn and head strong ex: Explain To Them Why First - If you are just telling your ex that you have changed, or that you have done something; they will instantly assume it's only because they told you to, not because of any other reason.
THUS, your ex will ASSUME you're only saying what they want to hear, and that it's not genuine.
BUT, whenever you explain WHY you are doing something, or WHY you came to a certain conclusion, it logically convinces your ex to listen.
Tell Your Ex "HOW" - If you are trying to convince your ex that you changed, you can't just say you've changed; but you need to say HOW you have changed, and WHAT you have specifically done to ensure change.
For instance, you could say that you have read self improvement books, got counseling, worked in a program etc..
all of these things SHOW your ex that you mean what you say, because you are able to explain how it occurred.
Tell Your Ex "WHAT" - Remember that your ex thinks 100% of the things you say are untrue, thus you need to tell your ex WHAT exactly it is that you were looking for from the idea or message you are trying to convey.
If you are looking for understanding, acceptance, recognition etc..
let your ex know; because if you leave it up to your ex to decide for you what it is that you are looking for, your ex will always come up with incorrect assumptions.
That is why it's good to clarify what you are expecting, or what you intend to happen.
Ask Your Ex For Input - Your ex may instantly take up your offer and may insult and criticize what you say; BUT the point is that it's not just you talking and it's not just you trying to be heard; but rather it's a joint effort.
Giving your ex the power and right to have input in the things you say, lets them know that you are trying to understand, compromise, and work through things together.
Ask Your Ex For Solutions - If your ex is still extremely head strong and argumentative, curb their criticism by asking them for solutions.
Ask your ex what they would like to see happen so that they wouldn't feel the way they currently feel about the things you are discussing.
Doing this gives your ex control and allows them to get what they want, which may be what they were looking for in the end.