Penis Enlargement - What is the Actual Feasibility of Penis Enlargement?
If necessity is the mother of inventions, then there is a great need in the penis enlargement market and the inventions have not lagged behind.
Today there are numerous options to make the penis longer, or ways to achieve your penis enlargement goal.
Though many of these products are backed by high-impact advertising both on the net as well as through offline media, the underlying skepticism still lurk in the minds of potential customers.
There are possibly two reasons for this.
One is that the advertising has gone overboard claiming the 'incredible' can happen and secondly the penis is a delicate and sensitive organ in a man's body.
He would like some kind of credible support or endorsement from the medical fraternity regarding the feasibility of penis enlargement as a plausible scientific advance.
It is not like kidney replacement, where after all, you have another to fall back on.
The penis in its natural size, is something which a man is born with.
To tamper with its dimensions and capacity, probably require a more serious and meaningful approach in advertising.
Be that as it may, penis enlargement market is flooded with products quite a lot of which are available over the counter without the help of a prescription.
In addition to several penis enlargement products, there are several procedures, devices and techniques by which the size of the organ can be enhanced.
Some of the techniques are described below: * Vacuum pumps enhance the penile dimensions by pumping blood in to the penile shaft using the vacuum suction method.
Over and above it being a temporary solution to the problem it causes a loss of feeling and may even result in impotence and damage to the blood vessels of the area.
* Many of the pills which are marketed in the penis enlargement market contain 'natural' ingredients which make them outside the control of FDA both in terms of quality of the ingredients and its promotion.
This makes it a risky proposal, since every ingredient, however 'natural' and 'herbal' it may be, can attract adverse events and may be contra-indicated in certain health situations.
Unless the user is completely conversant regarding the contents of these pills and its mode of action on the body, it is not recommended to fall prey to the glamour and glitz of advertisements and spoil your health.
It is also reported that many online pharmacies sell placebos in the name of penis enlargement pills.
* Hanging weights on the penis has been a century-old method of penis enlargement.
Though there is no scientific study to back any claim of enlargement, it is reported that hanging weight frequently and for a longer duration can indeed increase the length of a flaccid penis but can not do much on its girth.
Moreover, there can be pain, lesions and overall reduction in the sensitivity of the organ, which is important for sexual pleasure.
* Surgical intervention is also sought at times for penis enlargement.
Because of the inherent risk of infection and pain during surgeries, doctors usually shun this practice unless there is an overt psychological or physical need for such a procedure.
* Massage with creams and lotions is another technique for penis enlargement which lasts as long the user is sexually stimulated.
Though there are plenty of methods and options for the potential customer, to make penis enlargement a feasible procedure, you need to look at these options very carefully.
Remember, to make love and enjoy making love, the first thing you need is good health.