Save My Relationship! The Correct Way to Do It
It's not easy to do so, but it can be done if handled with the proper approach.
The first and foremost thing you should take care of is to be sincere when you are communicating with your partner trying to resolve issues.
However, you shouldn't sound needy or desperate under no circumstances.
If you play it cool and display confidence and don't exhibit insecurity then it is possible that your ex herself will be attracted to you again.
If you do it, then things just might end up getting worse, instead of better.
A trick you can use is to arouse curiosity.
For example you could indicate that there is something that you really appreciate in your ex which is going to make your ex feel the suspense and want to get back to you.
If you do that, it also generates a positive air between the two of you.
It will be very hard for them to let that slide.
But you should have something that you are going to talk about, no matter how small.
If you try to do it without having any idea what you are going to do, then once again it will put more pressure and worsen your relationship even more than before.
Whatever you do, have faith and keep in mind the tips that were just discussed above and you hopefully got the answer to your question "How to save my relationship'.
Take action and be sincere, it is very likely that you will succeed.