The Best And Recommendable Penis Enlargement Methods
Your common sense should tell you that not all of those available methods and products are really possible to do what they promise to you.
Therefore, you should know there are penis enlargement products and methods that do work, as well as those that don't work at all.
So, what would be the best penis enlargement methods? First of all, lets name a few methods that you should avoid, and in my opinion, these ones should be avoided at any costs.
Various pumps, belts, weights and similar products should be not considered as an possible option for increasing the size of your penis.
I know those products are available on the market for a very long time, and some of the (like pumps) are highly popular among men, but they are potentially dangerous for your penis health and performance.
You see, they work in a slightly unnatural way and in many cases they were responsible for various penis tissue damages to its users.
Also, a majority of products of that type are not clinically approved and they are often placed into "sex toys" category, rather than to "penis enlargement" category.
Also, I can't remember of a one single case in which increases to penis size caused by pumps and similar products were permanent.
One available method for increasing the size of the penis is penis enlargement surgery.
Don't get me wrong, surgery is one method that can actually increase your penis size, but in my opinion there is too many risks involved with this method.
First of all, surgery is a risky procedure because once you go under the knife there is no way back.
If surgery goes wrong, you can suffer from damaged and ineffective penis for the rest of your life.
Furthermore, there is no surgery on this planet, nor a doctor, that can promise you permanent increases and fully functional penis after surgery.
Even more to that, penis enlargement surgery is for sure the most expensive enlargement method available out there.
However, there are some non-surgical penis enlargement methods that are actually recommendable.
Methods like clinically proven and tested herbal pills and pill system, natural penis exercises and clinically proven traction devices are the most recommendable and the best penis enlargement methods on the market.
These methods are completely non-surgical approaches to penis enlargement, and that is one very important fact that should be considered as a valid reason for recommendation of these products.
Next, most of the products that falls into these categories are clinically tested and approved as an effective and safe to use products for increasing the size of the penis.
Therefore, if you are thinking about increasing your penis size, think about choosing one of these three main enlargement methods that are highly recommendable: herbal pills (only proven and clinically tested), natural exercises (they are known as an effective enlargement method for thousands of years) and traction devices (choose only quality, proven and clinically approved devices).
These basic methods has been successful in many cases, and even if they won't be successful in your case, you still have the option to go under the knife.
But that would be the least option in my opinion.