Article Writing Success - What is the "Purpose" of Your Article?
Every day hundreds of thousands of new articles are added to article archives and websites all over the World Wide Web.
However, only an estimated 20% of these articles actually contain well thought out and researched content.
The other 80% are simply written to add keyword power to websites in order to drive more traffic to their domains.
However, out of these 80% of 'keyword' focused articles only 10% of them are effective.
The idea behind writing articles for use on the Internet is to provide information.
The idea is to provide informative information that will draw people back to your website time and time again; information that they need and are looking for.
If a person comes to your website due to a keyword rich article, the chances of them returning are slim to none if your articles don't have purpose and actual information.
If people notice that your articles have no purpose they will seek out other websites that actually have pertinent information.
This is why you must learn how to write an article with purpose.
Even if you are writing articles for keywording's sake they must still have content that people want to read.
You need to focus your articles on the content and later concern yourself with adding in keywords where they fit in normally with the article.
You should never write an article with just keywords in mind.
When you learn how to write an article with purpose you will quickly discover that your articles are more effective than articles that focus on keywording.
However, only an estimated 20% of these articles actually contain well thought out and researched content.
The other 80% are simply written to add keyword power to websites in order to drive more traffic to their domains.
However, out of these 80% of 'keyword' focused articles only 10% of them are effective.
The idea behind writing articles for use on the Internet is to provide information.
The idea is to provide informative information that will draw people back to your website time and time again; information that they need and are looking for.
If a person comes to your website due to a keyword rich article, the chances of them returning are slim to none if your articles don't have purpose and actual information.
If people notice that your articles have no purpose they will seek out other websites that actually have pertinent information.
This is why you must learn how to write an article with purpose.
Even if you are writing articles for keywording's sake they must still have content that people want to read.
You need to focus your articles on the content and later concern yourself with adding in keywords where they fit in normally with the article.
You should never write an article with just keywords in mind.
When you learn how to write an article with purpose you will quickly discover that your articles are more effective than articles that focus on keywording.