How to Make Inkjet Fabric Paper
- 1). Cut the freezer paper, if it isn't already pre-sized, to 8 1/2 inches by 11 inches using the rotary cutter and cutting mat--or to any size that will fit through your inkjet printer. It's easiest to use heavy-weight freezer paper, available at craft stores, rather than freezer paper from the grocery store, which is very light and difficult to keep flat. Cut a piece of fabric 1/2 inch larger (in length and width) than your paper.
- 2). Wearing rubber gloves, place the fabric in the tray and pour just enough Bubble Jet Set 2000 over the fabric to saturate it. You'll need about 1/2 ounce per sheet, depending on the weight of the fabric. To soak more than one piece of fabric at a time, layer a second piece of fabric over the first wet sheet, then pour enough Bubble Jet Set 2000 over it to saturate. Repeat the layering for as many pieces of fabric as you need. Let the fabric soak for five minutes.
- 3). Let the fabric dry completely by hanging it on a clothes line or drying rack--or let the fabric sheets dry flat on top of some old towels. Once you have hung your fabric to dry, it's safe to remove your rubber gloves.
- 4). Place the dried fabric over the shiny side of the freezer paper and iron it until it adheres to the paper. Do not use steam. Using the rotary cutter with the cutting mat as your surface, trim the fabric edges so that they are flush with the paper edges. Be sure to remove any stray threads.
- 5). Run your fabric transfer sheet through your inkjet printer, using the printer manufacturer's recommended settings for transfer paper. Once your images are printed, let the transfer sheet sit out for at least 30 minutes. Peel off the wax paper. Wash the fabric in cold water, using either Bubble Jet Rinse or Synthrapol Fabric Detergent, according to the manufacturers directions. You can wash the fabric either by hand or in a washing machine, using the delicate setting. Hang the fabric to dry.