You Dumped Your Boyfriend And Now You Want Him Back - Here Is How To Get Your Ex Back
In the first place do you really want him back or are you just feeling lonely and remorseful? Why did you dump him? Was he cheating on you or did you just get all emotional about something and tell him to scoot? If you get your ex back it will need to be for the right reasons not just a whim or impulse. Do not go playing games with his heart. You have hurt him bad enough this time so be sure you want to keep him if you get him back.
At this time your ex is pretty confused and feels a lot of resentment toward you and any attempt to talk to him might be met with a reply of 'get lost'. Right now you miss him but he probably has not had the time to miss you, nor is he in a very forgiving mood. This puts you in a difficult situation. You need to give him time to settle down and lose his hostility toward you. On the other hand he is a perfect candidate for a rebound relationship, so you cannot wait too long or he will be in another relationship and you will be the one that is dumped.
Wait about two weeks from the time you dumped your boyfriend and call him. Do not send an email or text message. He will want to hear you apologize in your own voice. Keep calm and do not beg. Just tell him you realize you made a mistake and you would like to meet him for coffee and talk. Do not be pushy, if he turns you down for the coffee and chat, remain calm. You might have caught him by surprise and he needs time to think about your offer. The apology should have softened him up and given him time to think. He will call and take you up on your offer. This can take a little time but you can get your ex back, but next time think before you act.