Christian Relationship Help: What Does It Mean To Suffer For Good In Relationships?
First Peter 3:17 says, "It is better, if it is God's will, to suffer for doing good than for doing evil" (NIV). Some have wrongly interpreted this to mean that we will be rewarded for enduring mistreatment. The truth is that we will be rewarded for some of the mistreatment we endure; but not all of it.
The first question that needs to be asked is "What is God's will for you in your relationships?"
- You are to treat others like you want to be treated.
- You are to be kind, compassionate, and forgiving.
- You are to speak the truth in love.
- You are to be willing to give when it is healthy.
- You are to be a good witness for the gospel.
- You are to be willing to stand up for what is right and set boundaries.
- You are to care for yourself and the other person.
- You are to do what brings out the best in the other person, the relationship, yourself, and your family.
The second question that needs to be asked is: "What constitutes doing good versus doing evil?
You are doing good when you do God's will in your relationship by exhibiting those things. When you do any of these and a difficult person mistreats you because of it, you are suffering for good. However, if you suffer because you refuse to do these things and instead you passively tolerate what is wrong or enable what is wrong, then you are suffering for evil.
This Christian relationship help answers the question: "What does it mean to suffer for doing good in your relationships?" It means that you suffer as a result of doing the right thing rather than the wrong thing.
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