Invisible Dog Fence Installation - Things to Keep in Mind When Installing Your Containment System
There are many things to keep in mind when installing your dog fence.
First is how much freedom does your dog really need.
Before laying out the fence wire you may want to take a walk around the house and look out the windows.
If after you walk around and find blind spots, is this a area you want your dog to access? On one hand your dog can keep possible dangerous strangers out of these areas, on the other you wont be able to see where or what your dog is doing.
In most areas there is not as much concern about the possibility of say a burglar so you may want to keep your dog contained only to the area of the dog fence where you can see by simply looking out the window.
Next what if your dog is aggressive, is it safe to have a aggressive dog on a underground dog fence? Some pet containment companies will not put a aggressive dog on the fence.
I have installed many dog fences for aggressive dogs.
The layout of the fence wire is very important in the case of aggressive dogs.
If there are children next door I would keep the fence wire back off the property as far as possible while giving the dog a healthy area in the yard, some yards are to small to do this so a underground dog fence may not be the best solution.
I would also install the underground dog fence around the entire property to avoid the dog escaping out the front door and getting loose.
When installing the Fence wire I install what is called a pinch on each side of the house to keep the aggressive dog only in the backyard only unless he is let out in front through either the front door or garage.
A pinch is installed by simply running the wire in a horseshoe shape to the sides of the house.
This will prevent the dog access to the sides of the house and the front yard.
What about small dogs on the containment system? I like to take the same approach with the smaller dogs.
After 15 years installing invisible underground dog fences I have herd some horror stories.
The first thing that concerns me when laying out the containment wire is the dogs safety.
Wooded areas can be extremely dangerous for small dogs because of coyote's, if you small dog is in back near the woods it is easy pray for the coyote's.
If you pinch the sides the dog can have access to the front yard during the night and the back yard during the day.
Some other concerns I have about the underground fence for small dogs is having your pet dog napped I know this is rare in most areas but don't rule it out.
Also very rare but, I do know of one customer a few years back that had a teacup chihuahua picked up by a large hawk.
The hawk was not strong enough to fly away but the talon punctured a lung and the dog almost did not make it.
These are suggestions from my past experiences I hope this was help full in the layout and installation of your underground invisible dog fence.
First is how much freedom does your dog really need.
Before laying out the fence wire you may want to take a walk around the house and look out the windows.
If after you walk around and find blind spots, is this a area you want your dog to access? On one hand your dog can keep possible dangerous strangers out of these areas, on the other you wont be able to see where or what your dog is doing.
In most areas there is not as much concern about the possibility of say a burglar so you may want to keep your dog contained only to the area of the dog fence where you can see by simply looking out the window.
Next what if your dog is aggressive, is it safe to have a aggressive dog on a underground dog fence? Some pet containment companies will not put a aggressive dog on the fence.
I have installed many dog fences for aggressive dogs.
The layout of the fence wire is very important in the case of aggressive dogs.
If there are children next door I would keep the fence wire back off the property as far as possible while giving the dog a healthy area in the yard, some yards are to small to do this so a underground dog fence may not be the best solution.
I would also install the underground dog fence around the entire property to avoid the dog escaping out the front door and getting loose.
When installing the Fence wire I install what is called a pinch on each side of the house to keep the aggressive dog only in the backyard only unless he is let out in front through either the front door or garage.
A pinch is installed by simply running the wire in a horseshoe shape to the sides of the house.
This will prevent the dog access to the sides of the house and the front yard.
What about small dogs on the containment system? I like to take the same approach with the smaller dogs.
After 15 years installing invisible underground dog fences I have herd some horror stories.
The first thing that concerns me when laying out the containment wire is the dogs safety.
Wooded areas can be extremely dangerous for small dogs because of coyote's, if you small dog is in back near the woods it is easy pray for the coyote's.
If you pinch the sides the dog can have access to the front yard during the night and the back yard during the day.
Some other concerns I have about the underground fence for small dogs is having your pet dog napped I know this is rare in most areas but don't rule it out.
Also very rare but, I do know of one customer a few years back that had a teacup chihuahua picked up by a large hawk.
The hawk was not strong enough to fly away but the talon punctured a lung and the dog almost did not make it.
These are suggestions from my past experiences I hope this was help full in the layout and installation of your underground invisible dog fence.