How to Turn Off Search Indexer in Windows
- 1). Open the Windows Services dialog box. Click "Start," select "Run," type "services.msc" in the Open field box, then click "OK." Alternatively, if your using the classic start menu and control panel view, click "Start," point to "Settings," select "Control Panel," double-click "Administrative Tools" and double-click "Services." If you're using the default start menu and control panel view, click "Start," select "Control Panel," click "Administrative Tools" and double-click "Services."
- 2). Locate, then double-click on the entry for "Indexing Service" in the right-side window panel. This will open the Indexing Service Properties box. The "General" tab should already be selected. If it's not selected, click on the "General" tab.
- 3). Click the "Stop" button in the Service Status section to temporarily stop the search indexer service. The service will begin again when you reboot your computer unless you complete the following steps.
- 4). Open the "Startup type" drop-down box and select "Disable" from the list of options.
- 5). Click "OK."
- 1). Open the Windows Services dialog box. Click "Start," type "services" or "services.msc" in the Search Box, then hit "Enter" on your keyboard. Alternatively, click "Start," select "Control Panel," click "System and Maintenance," click "Administrative Tools" and click "Services."
- 2). Locate, then right-click on the entry for "Windows Search" in the right-side window panel. Select "Properties" from the shortcut menu to open the Windows Search Properties box. The "General" tab should already be selected, but if it's not, click on the "General" tab.
- 3). Click the "Stop" button in the Service Status section to temporarily stop the search indexer service. The service will begin again when you reboot your computer unless you complete the following steps.
- 4). Open the "Startup type" drop-down box and select "Disable" from the list of options.
- 5). Click "Apply."