Getting Rid of a Yeast Infection - Best Ways to Stop a Recurring Candida Infection by Home Remedies
The bacteria can't be wiped out completely, and after some time, when the right conditions are there, they begin multiplying again crazily until they are in enough numbers to cause that fishy smell and white discharge.
Most women attempt to get rid of their infections by going to the doctor and receiving drug treatment.
But such women, surveys report, are rarely satisfied by the performance of the powerful drugs.
Those drugs can have very nasty side effects, and they don't get rid of Candida permanently, they only suppress it for a short time, after which you have to buy the expensive treatment again, only this time with a higher chance of a side effect.
The same surveys show that natural home remedies are very effective in treating Candida.
Women who use such remedies have reported zero side effects and a response that is both fast and permanent.
So let's have a look at such treatments.
One of such treatments is yogurt treatment.
Yogurt is a very powerful Candida enemy.
The bacteria present within yogurt produce hydrogen peroxide, which kills the Candida bacteria.
Eating a lot of yogurt can be very powerful in avoiding yeast infections.
However, if you do have Candida at the moment, you can prepare Yogurt tampons which are known to be powerful in dealing with Candida in most women.
You can simply dip a tampon in yogurt and insert it in your vagina and keep it there for a few hours, preferably overnight.
Make sure that the yogurt is natural and contains no sugar, as yeast feed on sugar and you'd better not give them something to feed on.