Axia Fans For the Home
A family of four within a household is said to produce up to fifty litres of moister every day, these moisture levels can also be affected by the current weather climate as well.
It is very important that your home has axia fans wherever moisture build-up is a problem, as without them the damp can damage your home and its contents.
More importantly, damp can compromise your health.
Large amounts of moisture can have negative impacts on the home and even on one's health.
Moisture within the home can cause mould to grow, wallpaper to peel and wood to rot.
The moisture can also produce large quantities of dust mites and mould spores that can have a negative impact on breathing, especially in people with conditions such as asthma.
Damp is a problem affects over 4.
5 million homes.
Axia fans are used in areas where moisture can't easily escape, ensuring a healthy living area for you and your family, and preventing hazardous situations.
If you are in a home without fans in these areas, be sure to get them installed.
Axia fans work very well if there is not much resistance to airflow, and should be placed high within the room.
Ideally the fans should be as close to the source of moisture as possible.
Many people opt to have a suitable fan directly over the shower.
It is a good idea to have the on off switch, for the fan, linked to the light or to a timer that can also be installed.
This will allow the fan to turn on when someone enters a room and then turn off shortly after they have left.
If the switch is separate, many people neglect to turn them on, don't leave them on long enough, or leave them running for extended periods of time.
If you have your fan set up to be automatic, you won't have to worry about improper use.
It is better to prevent misuse, and make sure your fan runs exactly when it should.
When looking to save energy you should opt for low-watt axia fan.
It is also more energy efficient to have a fan with a heat exchanger unit built in, this will cut down on your heating costs as quite often, when air gets pulled into the fan, your heat get carried with it.
Many people feel cold when their fans are running and their houses are not insulated well.
Make sure you go for quality in your axia fan.
Buying a cheaper fan may seem good, but you will save a lot of money if you go for quality, as if you don't you will have to pay for replacements and repairs in the future.
You can find many companies online that sell high quality axia fans at great prices.
If you need help, staff members are often very knowledgeable as to which fans will be right for you.