Addicted to Pills? Jesus Can Help…christian Rehab for a Better Life
Yet Jesus, although we abandon Him in our selfish pursuits of artificial pleasures, never forsakes us, and when we are ready, when we see the folly of our ways and when we can take no more spiritual despair; He will take us in and show us again what's needed for a better and Christian life.
We create our own problems, and we do so as we stray from God's message, and as we walk a different path than He wishes for us. Jesus Christ does not wish us the pain of addiction, and if we listen to the message of His word in the bible, we would never need suffer the tragedy of pill abuse. Even when we ignore His will, He forgives us and when we are ready, and when we ask him to show us a better way again, Jesus Christ can guide us out of despair and once again into happy and righteous Christian Living.
We do not need anyone or anyplace to feel God's love, and the bible has all we need to know about His wishes for our lives, but there is something powerful in a shared and honest prayer, and as such there is something very powerful about a Christian rehab, and working the Christian 12 steps to recovery in the fellowship of the faithful.
Christian Rehab
In a Christian rehab, what has proven effective in a conventional rehab is combined with what only prayer and faith can bring to our lives. God gave us medicines and doctors for a reason, and we would exhibit yet more spiritual conceit if we did not use those things in our power towards our recovery.
But even the best of secular rehabs, employing the finest treatments and professionals and offering the most luxurious of facilities, cannot offer much hope for long term sobriety; and relapse statistics show us this is so, and show us that the path out of addiction and despair must include Christian teachings, and prayer for a better life.
The Power of Prayer
In addition to secular therapies and medicines, a Christian rehab combines the power of prayer, a communal study of the bible, self reflection on God's will for us and private religious and addictions therapy.
Through opening our hearts and our minds to God's love and His will, we gain strength from temptation; and through the messages inherent in the bible, we take solace that our struggles are as old as mankind, and that God has always had the answer to our despairs.
We get ourselves into trouble, and Jesus pulls us out. Jesus forgives us, and He will help us, and all we need to do is ask.
Consider a Christian Rehab if you struggle with an addiction to prescription pills. The answers are waiting for you; God has the power to cure you. Don't wait another day before starting down the road to a better Christian life, free from the pains of abuse.