My Lemon Lime Dracaena Is Yellow With Droopy Leaves
- The lemon lime dracaena prefers a location in the house that offers bright, indirect sunlight. Avoid overwatering the plant, or its leaves will turn yellow and fall off. Only water the lemon lime dracaena when the top 2 to 3 inches of soil feels dry to the touch. Or water a lemon lime dracaena planted in a small container when the top 1 to 2 inches of soil feels dry.
- The plant must not sit in a saucer of standing water. If the plant's roots are exposed to water for an extended time, it can suffer root rot, which causes it to lose its foliage. Remove the saucer of water from the bottom of the plant within one to two hours of watering. In addition, check that the plant pot has adequate drainage holes to allow the water to flow away from the root system.
- The leaves of the plant will also turn yellow and begin to droop if the plant suffers drought. The process of leaf loss is usually slow when it occurs because of inadequate water. During warm weather, water the plant more often because the soil rapidly dries out. Conversely, a plant that receives too much water will display drooping yellow leaves within a day or two of the incident. The leaves will begin to yellow from the tip downwards.
- A sudden change in temperature can adversely affect the plant's leaves. Also, spider mites and mealybugs occasionally infest the lemon lime dracaena. The pests suck the plant's nutrients with their powerful mouth. The leaves will discolor, droop and die if a heavy infestation of the pests occurs. Spray the plant off with a forceful burst of water to remove the pests. If the infestation is heavy, consider using an insecticidal spray to gain control.