Ensuring a Safe Trip Abroad
Handling the Basics
If you're travelling to a place you've never been before, it is always wise to cover the basics. The very least you can do is get single trip travel insurance. Such cover is cost effective and appropriate if you are sure that you will have only one trip for the year. Something else you can control: keep your luggage light€"do not bring excessive amounts of clothing, valuables, or other possessions that you won't really need where you're going. If you intend to travel around in a city, keeping your valuables in body pack or money belt is generally considered safe€"but even safer is doing it inconspicuously, by using the kind of money belt that can be worn under your clothing.
Be Inconspicuous
The last thing you need when travelling abroad is to look like a member of the royal family. That's why, aside from making sure you're covered with at least single trip travel insurance, you should avoid dressing as if announcing your affluence to everybody. Do not wear expensive-looking jewellery or flaunt your electronic gadgets in less-than-desirable public areas. The bottom line is to avoid the kind of attention you do not want. But there are rare cases when, despite the extra measures you've taken to look as ordinary as possible, thieves might still consider you a worthy target just because you're a foreigner. In most cases, it is wise not to bring along items that can't replaced, such as family heirlooms or expensive jewellery, extra credit cards (just bring the cards you use most or those that can be used without any hassle in your destination), and government-issued identity cards.
Be Aware of the Hot Spots
Your embassy will usually have a travel advisory to the country of your destination. In any case, it is better to read up on the latest local situation and note areas that may pose unnecessary risk to tourists. Of course, aside from getting single trip travel insurance to cover yourself and your belongings, you may also bring along with you a handy portable alarm system that you can attach to the hotel door€"you never know when that might save you from a lot of distress. And just to be on the safe side, always inform your family or friends about where you're going, even down to the last detail in your itinerary, so that they know where to find you in the event of an emergency. Overall, it takes some presence of mind to avoid the unnecessary dangers and make sure that your travel abroad ends up memorable, in all the most positive ways.