Instructions on How to Build a Stone Patio
- 1). Inspect the flagstones to determine if they contain any flaws that would make them unsuitable for use. Flaws may include deep cracking, brittleness or flaking on the surface. Discard flawed stones and stack the remaining stones next to the installation site to acclimatize them to the weather conditions.
- 2). Mark the building area for the patio by placing lawn flags surrounding the area. Excavate the foundation for your patio by digging a 10-inch hole in the patio area and then compressing the bottom of the excavation using a plate compactor, which are available for rent from an equipment rental shop or home improvement store.
- 3). Fill the bottom of the excavation with 6 inches of MOT/crusher run, a combination mix of various gravel sizes. Compact the gravel with the plate compactor until it is 4 inches thick. Pour 4 inches of sharp sand onto the gravel and compact it to a layer 2 inches deep. The combined gravel and sand serves as a drainage bed for the patio.
- 4). Mix the mortar according to the manufacturer's instructions to the thickness of peanut butter. Place a 1-inch layer of mortar onto the sand, spreading it evenly with a trowel.
- 5). Lay the flagstones into the mortar bed, starting at the sides of the excavation. Leave about 1/5 of an inch between adjoining stones. This allows for expansion space with changing weather. Using the trowel, fill the spaces between the stones with mortar. Remove any excess mortar from the tops of the stones to keep it from drying there. Place a piece of plywood over the stones and tap down with a rubber mallet to ensure that the surface is level.
- 6). Add mortar to the bottoms of the stones, if necessary, to add height to even the surface. For stones slightly taller than others, push them firmly into the mortar bed. Continue placing stones until you have filled the excavation site. Use stones with long edges to create as uniform an edge to the patio as possible.
- 7). Allow the mortar to cure for seven to ten days and then seal the top of the stones with a sealant formulated for the stone type used. Brush on the sealant using a low-nap roller until the entire surface of the patio is covered. Fill in any space at the edge of the patio with dirt removed during the excavation. Wait an additional week for the mortar to finish setting before using the patio surface.