How to Open a Sprinkler System
- 1). Pull open the cover on the irrigation control box.
- 2). Locate the sprinkler valve you want to operate. They should be marked to coincide with your control timer.
- 3). Grab the solenoid, the black cylinder-shaped device on top of the zone valve, and twist it counterclockwise to remove the pressure from the plunger. Water will begin to flow after a couple of turns.
- 4). Turn the solenoid clockwise to stop or slow the flow of water as needed.
- 5). Set the sprinkler control timer to automatically operate the sprinklers as needed. All models are different, but the timer should be set to the "run" position to activate your pre-set irrigation program.
- 6). Set the dial or buttons marked for the amount of time that each zone will run to at least five minutes each. Refer to your local water department codes for rules about watering restrictions.