How to Make a Simple Origami Turtle
- 1). Prepare the square of paper by placing it on a flat, hard surface such as a hardcover book, table or floor.
- 2). Fold the paper in half diagonally to make an upside-down triangle.
- 3). Fold the triangle in half again by bringing the left corner over to meet the right corner. The result should be a quarter-size triangle. Undo this fold; you should end up with a guide line down the center of the triangle.
- 4). Fold the right corner of your upside-down triangle over and down so that the top edge meets the center vertical guide line. Repeat this fold with the left triangle corner. The result should look like a double-layered diamond.
- 5). Fold the first layer of the right side upward so that the bottom point meets the top point. Repeat this fold with the first layer of the left side.
- 6). Fold the right corner into the center so the point hits the middle guide line. Repeat this fold with the left corner.
- 7). Grasp the right side of the top layer, up by the top point. Fold this point over so that its edge meets the right edge of the fold you made in step six. Repeat this fold with the left side of the top point. These two points should stick out to form the turtle's top legs.
- 8). Cut with the scissors along the vertical guide line, from the bottom to the middle of the turtle. Take the right side of this cut and fold it over so that its edge meets the bottom edge of the fold made in step six. Repeat this fold with the left side of the cut. These folds should mimic the folds made in step seven, resulting in the bottom points sticking out to make the turtle's lower legs.
- 9). Fold the top point down so that the entire top of the turtle is a straight line. Fold the point back up, leaving a little space between the original fold and the new fold. This forms the turtle's neck and head. Flip the turtle over to view the final result.