7 Steps to Surviving a Breakup
It causes much heartache and is an unpleasant part of life.
It is made even worse if you have tried everything you know how.
You have said all you can say, done all you can do and given all you have to give, but still your partner will not seem to meet you halfway.
If you have done all that is in your power to do to save the relationship then you need to accept things the way they are and not punish or torture yourself unnecessarily.
There is a saying that says, "This, too, shall pass" and it is a good one when you need a little comforting.
Although you may be in pain it will pass and you will survive it.
It will take time but eventually you will find that you have coped and that you are beginning to feel much better than you were soon after things fell apart.
To help you to move forward there are seven steps that you should be familiar with.
Time Do not put yourself under unnecessary pressure to get over the break-up in a short space of time.
Do not force things and allow yourself the time you will need.
If you are not patient with yourself you will only cause yourself more heartache and misery.
Understanding Try to understand what happened because in doing so it will help you to heal.
It is important that you do not try to fool yourself.
Be honest with yourself and look reality square in the eye.
By accepting your part in whole situation it will be easier for you to understand what happened and to move forward.
Remember that everyone makes mistakes and you are not immune to making some of your own.
It is not something that you should hold against yourself.
Resolution A good and therapeutic exercise is to express the way you feel instead of keeping your feelings bottled up inside.
Rather let them out.
You might try writing a letter to your ex but you must not send it to them.
The whole purpose of the letter is for you to get your feelings out and to be honest about the way that you are feeling.
The important thing is that you do not lay the blame entirely at the other person's door.
Think about how you would feel if you were to receive that letter.
If it is one that you would be alright with receiving then you have done the job properly.
Fun When surviving a breakup, you should try to have as much fun as you can.
Be careful that you do not look for fun in the wrong places with the wrong people.
It is much better to surround yourself with your family and friends as you know that they will have your best interests at heart.
Reward Spoil yourself a little.
You might want to visit a spa or enjoy some other relaxing activity.
Pamper yourself, after-all, you have been through a tough time and you need a little comfort to help you to feel better not only about yourself but about life in general.
Memories Even bad relationships will have some happy and positive memories.
You will find it much easier to move forward and to survive the break-up if you focus on the lessons that you have learned, the gifts that you received and the friendships that were formed.
By not dwelling entirely on the negative experiences of the relationship you will be more inclined to try again with someone new.
Self-esteem It is important that you do not take the demise of the relationship personally.
Remember that it takes two people to start a relationship and two people to end is.
Do not spend time blaming yourself and thinking negative thoughts about yourself.
Focus on the things that you learned about yourself and on the things that you can still look forward to in the future.
Although a break-up is an emotional and painful experience it can be survived.
As long as you make yourself your number one focus and you are gentle with yourself you will soon get over it and you will be a stronger person because of the experience.