How to Use Peat Moss for Your Aquarium
- 1). Fill a large stockpot with 2 to 3 gallons of water and place the pot on a stove burner set on high.
- 2). Wait until the water boils and add 1 gallon of dried peat moss to the water. Stir the moss with a spoon until it starts to sink to the bottom of the pot--no more than five minutes.
- 3). Turn off the stove burner and pour the contents of the pot into a pillowcase positioned over a 5-gallon bucket.
- 4). Twist the top of the pillowcase and secure it with a rubber band. Drop the pillowcase into the bottom of the bucket and fill the remainder of the bucket with tap water until the water level is approximately 3 to 4 inches from the top of the bucket.
- 5). Plug the cord for an aquarium aerator into an electrical socket and insert the plastic air tube into the bucket.
- 6). Allow the bucket to sit and aerate for one to two weeks. Turn off the aerator and discard the pillowcase and moss.
- 7). Use the peat moss water the next time you partially change the water in the aquarium.