Two Ways To Get Your Ex Back In Your Arms
If you are at the stage where your ex is simply talking about leaving, when mentioned make sure that you agree that the breakup is the right thing,if it's not too late . I know that this is the opposite of what you want, but if your ex is talking this way then let him or her go by being cool and calmly and without any drama,then you will be on a even playing field in your best advantage of getting them back will go a lot smoother this way.
The main thing now once that they are gone is not to have any contact! Let me say that again "No Contact"! No text messages, No Calls! Okay, this is very vital because if your ex hasn't heard anything from you since they walked out,it doesn't make them forget about you,it makes them miss and curious to what you are up to.
Moving on with your life in the early stages of the breakup is a crucial method to use to keep you with the upper hand at putting this relationship back together. What we are doing here is forcing your ex to think about you and what you are up to appose to the opposite and give you a chance to put things into perspective.
There is nothing more helpful right now and will better help you with your judgment and confidence more then to get out and have some fun with your friends and others no matter how hard it is to do,you must try to have some fun and try to put in behind you for now.
After you have given yourself some time to think and clear your head, guess what, your ex has done the same thing and has had time to calm down and think about their decision also. You should have been out of contact with your ex for at least a month before you decide the time is right to make contact with them.
It's time to give your ex a call and have a very short and casual conversation with them. Under no circumstance do you show emotions of anger in any way no matter what is said it's okay. Ask for a meeting somewhere you both know well and have enjoyed yourselves at before, but don't make it sound like a big deal. Remember you are trying to find ways to get your ex back, so no emotional manipulation.
At the meeting explain you've had time to think and you would like to apologize for any mistakes you've made. Tell your ex your feelings for them haven't changed and you think that we should give it another chance. Always give your ex space to say what they think and how they feel, and listen carefully and sincerely to what they have to say.
Once you've said your peace, tell your ex that you're going to give them time to think things through and then leave.