Important Self-Defense Tools for Women
" We cannot do anything about the second victim, because her mind could not take in the fact that she was being assaulted, even though she had an important self-defense tool at hand.
These tools are definitely not going to be of any use at all, if they are not easily accessible within a couple of seconds.
As for the first victim, one can only be surprised at such naivety.
What could you do? You could scream for help.
You could struggle.
You could use self-defense tools, like pepper spray and Mace to deter any sort of assault on your person.
You could have prevented that crime from happening, very easily.
Unfortunately, a number of female assault victims fall prey to stalkers.
The sad thing is that you cannot prove anybody to be a stalker," until the crime has been committed.
" This extremely foolish law has given potential criminals lots of leeway to say, "I was just following her.
I did not say or do anything.
You have nothing on me.
" This gives stalkers an opportunity to go right ahead and try to scare somebody else, just for kicks.
A large number of women are intimidated, because they know that they are not going to get the help necessary from the overworked police force.
So the next time you find yourself being followed by somebody, go into a very public place and then confront him.
Ask him the reason he has been following you.
Take out your cell phone, and click his picture.
If he protests and says that he is not stalking you, tell him, that it is possible that you are mistaken, but you have his face on record.
You intend to send it to all your friends, just in case something happens to you.
Threaten him with pepper spray, showing that you are in earnest, and that you are armed.
This threat alone is quite enough for a number of potential assailants to back out from possibly attacking you in the future.
It is much better to make a scene in public, than to become a victim.
There are some very useful and important self-defense tools for women, like pepper foam, pepper spray, Mace Jogger Spray, key ring sprays, Mace teargas, lipstick stun guns and even tasers.
These are just some examples with which women can protect themselves.
So, get the self-defense tools for women, which suit you best, and learn how to use them effectively.
And most of all, train yourself to get easy access to these tools, really quickly, as and when required.