How to Plant Geranium Cuttings
- 1). Fill 4-inch-deep containers to within 1 inch of the top with moist sand. Water so it is damp but not saturated.
- 2). Cut sections of geranium stems 4 to 5 inches long at a 45-degree angle. Clip off the leaves on the bottom half of the stem.
- 3). Shake some rooting hormone into a saucer and roll 1/2 inch of the angled end of the geranium cuttings in the powder.
- 4). Stick 1 1/2 inch of the cutting into the sand. Press the sand around the cutting.
- 5). Add more cuttings, leaving at least 3 inches between cuttings.
- 6). Arrange a plastic bag loosely over the container to retain the dampness in the sand.
- 7). Move the container of cuttings to a warm location with bright, indirect sun.
- 8). Remove the plastic and check the sand once a week. The original moisture will usually last at least a month before the sand requires more water.
- 9). Pull on the stems carefully after three to four weeks. When the stems resist pulling, pot them individually in potting soil.