My Fiance Broke Up With Me
Hot, Heavy and Passionate.
There is love, acceptance, and unbelievable feelings that you have found your true love.
Or at least it seems.
Then it happens.
For no reason at all your fiancé breaks up with you, destroying any dreams and hopes you had for your relationship and your future together.
What's even worst is that, for some, this might not be the first time your fiancé has broken up with you and you are going through feelings of massive rejection.
I know.
Believe me.
I have been there and it sucks.
Regardless of whether this is the first time your fiancé has broken up with you or the second, it is important that you understand the emotions that you are going through.
And, without a doubt, depending on how long it's been you are at any least in one of these stages.
And, if you want to get your fiancé back and save your relationship, you must understand these emotions, work through them, and then take steps to getting your ex fiancé back in your arms.
May be it's been a day, a week, a month or more and you are probably going through stages of grief due to the recent loss of your fiancé.
Grief? Yes, grief.
Grief is not just when you lose someone who has passed on, it also applies to any type of significant loss - and losing your ex fiancé is a significant loss.
This loss must be addressed to either move on with your life completely, or to begin taking steps to analyzing what went wrong and to win your ex back.
Stages of Grief The first stage of grief, you are probably going through shock, denial, or just plain numbness of the situation.
At this stage, you are not living in reality and everything seems unreal to you.
You feel as though you cannot understand what just happened (shock).
You believe the events of the break-up did not happen at all and you go on trying to communicate with your ex (denial).
Or you understand what is going on and just out of touch with life itself (numbness).
The second stage of grief, you might be experiencing fear, anger and more than likely some depression.
It is important that you understand that in any significant loss it is quite normal to feel any of these emotions, so let yourself feel them.
It is healthy to do so.
So just do it.
And if you feel it's a little to overwhelming, get support from family and friends - maybe even some professional assistance if you believe you need to.
The third stage of grief, is acceptance.
At this point, you understand that acceptance has nothing to do with liking or disliking this situation.
You are just accepting what is.
Even though you have accepted the break-up, it does not mean you cannot get your lover back.
But, if you reached this stage it just means more time has passed since your fiancé broke up with you, but you still can win your ex back by following a few simple ground rules.
They are: Ground Rule #1: Don't Resist the Break Up What you talkin' about Willis? Yes, I know.
If your fiancé is bent on breaking up, well don't resist the break up.
Respect their wishes.
So many people have attempted to stop a break up by whining, crying, begging, making empty promises and negating themselves.
Don't do it.
You might not like it but to your fiancé, they have a good reason for breaking up.
It might not be rational but let this play out.
Sometimes, on their own, they realize their mistake and come back.
Ground Rule #2: Cease and Desist All Communications Say what? Yeah.
I know I just told you not to resist the break and now I am telling you to temporarily end all communication with your ex fiancé.
In order for you to deal with the most important person in your life, i.
, YOU.
You must end all communications with your ex fiancé.
Do not try and fix the situation.
You are going to have to just, probably painfully, deal with this temporary end in communications.
There is a greater good for this.
Keep reading.
Ground Rule #3: Give Your Ex a Ton of Space I know these ground rules might seem totally against what you are trying to accomplish which is win your ex back but they are essential to reaching that goal.
You might ask why you should give your ex a ton of space.
Well, it's so that they can get a perspective on the stressful situation.
And, you need it too.
Use this space to reconnect with yourself.
Go out and enjoy your life as if your ex is never returning.
Get center.
Get healed.