Exercises To Help Get Rid Of Your Man Boobs
It is said to be caused by too much estrogen in the body and lower testosterone levels, so losing weight may not necessarily help you lose your man boobs, but it is still trying to lose weight to see if this does help.
There are lots of exercises you can do to try and lose weight and get rid of your man boobs.
For a start you should try and do lots of cardio work.
In other words physical exercise that will make you out of breath.
The more strenuous the exercise, the more fat you will burn.
So you want to be doing exercises such as running and cycling.
Swimming is also another great way to lose weight, but if you are really self-conscious about your man boobs, I appreciate that this may not necessarily appeal to you.
If these activities all sound a little boring, then you could consider taking part in physical sports such as tennis and football, which will also help you burn fat.
Once you start losing weight and hopefully reducing the size of your man boobs, you can then start thinking about shaping your chest and making it appear more muscular.
Two great exercises for this are press ups and bench presses.
Press ups are a simple exercise to perform and you can do them anywhere, so there are no excuses.
You should start off slowly, doing say two lots of ten press ups, and increasing the number every day, or preferably every other day (to allow your muscles to recover).
Bench presses are usually performed in the gym as their require a barbell and weights, but you can of course buy this equipment yourself and do them from them.
This exercise, where you lie on your back and push the barbell upwards until your arms are extended is another great chest exercise that will give you increased definition.
However I want to emphasise that no specific exercise is going to help you lose your man boobs.
You really do need to try and lose weight doing lots of cardio work so that you are no longer overweight.
Then you can start working on your chest muscles to give them definition.
If this doesn't work then you should try talking to your doctor because they may be able to help you with some kind of hormone treatment.
Otherwise there are supplements you can try, and as a last resort you can always elect to have surgery to have the excess fat removed.
However for a lot of people simply losing weight by doing lots of exercise will be enough to get rid of man boobs, or at least make them less noticeable.