OCD Forum - How To Pursue Your Passions And Dreams The Right Way So That They Actually Happen!
The most important part of realizing your passions and dreams is to not be easily swayed.
First, for people with OCD it's vital to know that having a passion or dream is vital to effectively reducing it! This article will show you how to do it the right way.
The second thing that we need to understand is that you don't want to try and reinvent the wheel.
What I mean by this is that we must find mentors, people who are where we want to be.
If you want to be an actor, it would be good to meet other actors who are closer to your goal than you are.
They will often teach you what mistakes to avoid and what shortcuts you can take to make sure you reach your goal faster, saving your valuable time.
The third thing is that while you are looking for a mentor to meet in person, it's good to find mentors online and in books so that you can get started right away.
It's important to read a little bit of the book before you buy it to make sure it's good information that you could enjoy reading.
If you don't enjoy the style of writing, don't buy it.
You won't retain information as well if you are not enjoying the learning! The fourth thing is that you don't want to waste time doing actions that don't get you closer to your goal.
An example of this is if you work in telemarketing, making the calls is what makes the money, not organizing your desk, or checking your emails every ten minutes.
So making the calls is the action that gets results.
I call this "the grind.
" We need to make sure that we cut out the useless actions and only focus on "the grind.
" It's OK if our desk is a little messy, but we have made 100 calls.
It's not OK if our desk is spotless, but we have only made 10 calls.
The fifth thing is to make clear goals and write them down and put them somewhere where you will see them, like your bathroom mirror.
Once you complete the goal, cross it off and replace it with the next higher goal.
Make sure you give yourself a time limit that gives you a enough time to complete the goal, but not enough time to slack around.
Having plenty of free time for yourself should be part of your goals.
If you are overwhelmed, you'll accomplish nothing.
The sixth thing is to reward yourself once you complete goals.
This is how we teach our brains that completing goals is pleasurable and your brain will want to do it again.
Completing goals at first can be compared to exercising.
When you first start it hurts and it's a little annoying, but after you have done it for a little bit, you can't wait to get to your work out.
You can reward yourself by renting a really good movie or going out on a date.
Buy yourself your favorite kind of coffee at your favorite coffee shop.
Whatever your reward is, make sure that it doesn't get you off track in completing your goals.
Finally, the seventh thing is to have the mindset that you can always improve your craft, always be happy, but never be content with where you are, always reach for that higher level.
Once you get to a point where you think you can't get any better is when you'll stop trying as hard and your results will soon get worse.
Always be your own boss and be a fair, but firm boss to yourself.
This will begin your journey in transforming your mind from waiting to be told what to do into asking yourself what you should do.
Learn to be the one that you turn to besides your God.
The more confidence you have, the more successful you will be in treating your own OCD and being more successful in everything you do, period.
(Only you and your doctor can decide if any idea regarding any medical condition is right for you or not.
First, for people with OCD it's vital to know that having a passion or dream is vital to effectively reducing it! This article will show you how to do it the right way.
The second thing that we need to understand is that you don't want to try and reinvent the wheel.
What I mean by this is that we must find mentors, people who are where we want to be.
If you want to be an actor, it would be good to meet other actors who are closer to your goal than you are.
They will often teach you what mistakes to avoid and what shortcuts you can take to make sure you reach your goal faster, saving your valuable time.
The third thing is that while you are looking for a mentor to meet in person, it's good to find mentors online and in books so that you can get started right away.
It's important to read a little bit of the book before you buy it to make sure it's good information that you could enjoy reading.
If you don't enjoy the style of writing, don't buy it.
You won't retain information as well if you are not enjoying the learning! The fourth thing is that you don't want to waste time doing actions that don't get you closer to your goal.
An example of this is if you work in telemarketing, making the calls is what makes the money, not organizing your desk, or checking your emails every ten minutes.
So making the calls is the action that gets results.
I call this "the grind.
" We need to make sure that we cut out the useless actions and only focus on "the grind.
" It's OK if our desk is a little messy, but we have made 100 calls.
It's not OK if our desk is spotless, but we have only made 10 calls.
The fifth thing is to make clear goals and write them down and put them somewhere where you will see them, like your bathroom mirror.
Once you complete the goal, cross it off and replace it with the next higher goal.
Make sure you give yourself a time limit that gives you a enough time to complete the goal, but not enough time to slack around.
Having plenty of free time for yourself should be part of your goals.
If you are overwhelmed, you'll accomplish nothing.
The sixth thing is to reward yourself once you complete goals.
This is how we teach our brains that completing goals is pleasurable and your brain will want to do it again.
Completing goals at first can be compared to exercising.
When you first start it hurts and it's a little annoying, but after you have done it for a little bit, you can't wait to get to your work out.
You can reward yourself by renting a really good movie or going out on a date.
Buy yourself your favorite kind of coffee at your favorite coffee shop.
Whatever your reward is, make sure that it doesn't get you off track in completing your goals.
Finally, the seventh thing is to have the mindset that you can always improve your craft, always be happy, but never be content with where you are, always reach for that higher level.
Once you get to a point where you think you can't get any better is when you'll stop trying as hard and your results will soon get worse.
Always be your own boss and be a fair, but firm boss to yourself.
This will begin your journey in transforming your mind from waiting to be told what to do into asking yourself what you should do.
Learn to be the one that you turn to besides your God.
The more confidence you have, the more successful you will be in treating your own OCD and being more successful in everything you do, period.
(Only you and your doctor can decide if any idea regarding any medical condition is right for you or not.