3 Easy Tips to Last Longer
Their bodies are obese and it struggles to thrust and drive harder.
It is therefore important to keep all your muscles and fitness at its maximum to help you last longer.
Doctors and other physicians will not admit, but would rather sell you medication that will increase their bonuses.
Yet to last longer can be as easy as 1-2-3.
By changing a few bad habits to better habits can really improve and help you last longer.
Fact: rounder women prefer skinny guys.
Did you know that daily body massage helps your blood circulate better and improve your sexual drive and fitness? Your organs also need massage to circulate blood to these areas and improve your performance.
Before you take showers every day you should spend 5 minutes beforehand to massage your sexual organs.
This exercise will help blood circulate to the sexual organs.
Here are some easy tips to keep yourself fit and your organs healthy to help you last longer: 1.
Eaten a good diet that helps produce hormones and sperm is also important.
While meats are important for protein, it is also important you eat vegetables and beans.
Chinese medicine promotes many types of vegetable soups and meats.
Although it can be strange to the western eye, these diets can be very good for you.
Steer clear of endangered animals and their body parts.
Wear loose clothing to allow your penis and balls to hang more freely.
Tight pants, underwear and jeans are not good for you genitals because it squashes them and is difficult for your blood to circulate to these areas.
There are some scientific studies that show that tight jeans can help cause genital cancer.
Eat healthy foods that have high anti-oxidants.
Keep mobile phones and other forms of radiation as far away from your body and genitals as possible.
Have a spa bath once a week.
You could add lemon, green tea or raised petals to your bath.
Sit on soft comfortable chairs.
If you get stressed regularly then try to reduce this occurring because this will affect your hormone levels and your physical capability to perform.
Sleep 7 hours a day but no more than 8 hours.
Also include a siesta of 20 minutes a day in the afternoon.
I hope with also these tips you can achieve a 50% increase in helping you to last longer.