3 Top Ways to Get Your Ex Back
I will show you 3 top ways to get your ex back in the least amount of time as possible.
Give them some space- Now this I guarantee will be the hardest thing you will have to do, but many times this can work.
You want your ex to want to get back with you right? So you are going to want them to miss you and giving them time apart will allow them to clear their head and see how life is like without you in it.
Many times they will miss you and come crawling back themselves.
Get out there- That's right, you need to go out with friends and let your ex see you having fun and have them wish they were having fun with you again.
Chances are you still have some of the same friends and trust me they will all gossip.
So do not worry cause everyone will know that you are out living it up and hopefully your ex will notice.
Self Control-Now that your ex has seen you out and about, make sure to not to blow it here.
This last top way to get your ex back is probably the hardest.
Your ex might just call you to say something like " hey I saw you at that new bar last night, it was cool huh"? Just use small talk and sound like you need to be somewhere, but do not totally tell them to go fly a kite.
Tell your ex to call you later when you have more time to talk.
Bingo! Hook is set and now you just need to make sure you know how to fish.