How to Make a Round Purse
- 1). Draw a circle 20 inches in diameter on a sheet of paper and cut it out. Place this on a piece of fabric. Draw round it with dressmakers' chalk and cut it out. Repeat with the second piece of fabric.
- 2). Pin the two circles together face to face with wrong sides out. Put the circle onto your sewing machine and sew a seam round it 1/2-inch from the edge. Leave a gap of 2 inches unsewn.
- 3). Remove the circle from the machine and trim round the edge of the seam to make it as narrow as possible. Reverse the fabric by pulling the material out through the gap you left. Iron flat. Hand sew the gap shut.
- 4). Put the circle back in your sewing machine and stitch all the way around 1/2-inch from the edge. Stitch a second row all the way round 1/4-inch from the edge. Make a tiny snip in the fabric between the two rows of stitches, cutting through the lining fabric only. Make another tiny snip in the same way directly opposite the first.
- 5). Cut the length of cord in half. Attach a safety pin to one end. Push the safety pin through one of the snip holes, thread the cord all the way around the bag between the two layers of fabric, and pull it out the same hole. Knot the two ends together to form a handle. Trim excess cord. Repeat with the second piece of cord, entering and exiting the other snip hole. To close the round bag, just pull the two handles.