How to Trim an Umbrella Pine
- 1). Train to a main straight leader when you first get the tree. Choose the straightest vertical stem and remove any others. Choose the healthiest horizontal stems off the leader and alternate them. Prune the excess limbs, leaving 6 to 12 inches of space between each stem.
- 2). Cut off the windburned or cold-damaged terminal ends. Remove them back to healthy wood and make the cut just prior to the next growth node. Pruning is best done at the end of winter or very early spring.
- 3). Shear the edges of the new greenery back to before the growing point. The plant will produce the characteristic "candles" of the pine tree. These can be cut off to encourage bushiness. Cut them straight across where the candles began to form. Remove just enough to preserve the natural shape of the tree.
- 4). Remove the limbs at the base at least up a few inches. Use a small handsaw on the lower limbs in a straight cut, flush with the trunk. Be careful not to cut into the trunk. The number of limbs removed at the bottom is up to you and depends upon the look you wish.
- 5). Extend telescoping pruners into the canopy to help remove any displaced limbs, damaged or broken wood, and branches that are rubbing or grow too close to each other. Annual maintenance requires removing any damage and enhancing the natural conical shape of the tree.