How to Add Pictures to Contacts on a BlackBerry Pearl
- 1). Open the address book from the main menu by scrolling to the "Address Book" icon with the track ball and clicking on it. This will open a list of contacts.
- 2). Use the trackball to highlight the contact that you'd like to add a picture to.
- 3). Press the BlackBerry menu button, located directly to the left of the track ball. This will open a list of options.
- 4). Scroll down to "Edit" and click on it. This will open a list of options including the option to add a picture to the contact.
- 5). Scroll down to "Picture" and highlight the blank picture image and click on it and select "Add Picture." This will open a box with the photos on your phone.
- 6). Highlight the picture that you'd like to add to the contact and press the BlackBerry menu button and click on "Select" with the track ball. This will open a window where you can crop the photo.
- 7). Crop the photo by using the track ball to center the picture. Press the menu key and click on "Crop and Save" to finish adding a photo to the contact.