Is it Better to Pay Off Debts Yourself Or Rely on a Debt Settlement Company?
Sometimes paying off your credit cards yourself really is the better option than using a debt settlement company and other times, a service in this field really is the best choice.
The following includes some basic information that will help you decide which option is best for your situation and your financial freedom.
You need to consider how much debt you actually have.
If you are getting nervous about your debts but can still handle your monthly minimums, then you may want to plod along and pay off your debts yourself.
Handling your monthly bills means that your credit score is not damaged much by this debt and that you are slowly chipping away at it.
A settling company may be able to work out a way to pay off your bills, but using such a company will lower your credit score.
Then, it has some drawbacks that need to be analyzed.
However, if you can not handle your monthly payments and feel as if you are drowning in a sea of overcharge and late fees, then you should definitely consider using a company for settling your financial obligations.
If you can not make your monthly bills, then your scoring is already lowering with each late payment and each fee added to your account.
To stop this snowball effect, a settlement group can come in and work out a repayment plan.
Your credit rating may take a hit at first, but this could definitely get the ball rolling again so that you can work on increasing this score later on.