Why Would You Want to Pay Interest to a Credit Card Company When You Could Have Your Debt Erased?
The average cardholder carries 10k in revolving credit and it that will cause many cardholders to file for personal bankruptcy within five years if they are not careful.
But consumer protection laws now allow the purchaser to have an upper hand with debt that is out of control.
Private companies have put together free information that may help erase your debts by 50%.
Companies that used to work with personal clients are now working with the public and releasing information that can help you bring down your debt load by fifty percent; this will take you off the road of poverty to one of freedom from credit card corporations once and for all.
The sad fact is, any charge you make today could result in collection efforts in the future from your creditor.
Fact: Americans paid over $700 Billion in interest fees last year and the average consumer has almost $10,000 in credit card debt.
If only the minimum payment is paid, this debt will follow them into retirement as it would take over 60 years to settle if they just paid the 2% minimum payment.
As you can see, visa cards are not created to be paid off.
You can now get 50% your debt removed from your debt removed from your Credit-card company, but this is news to the public because a very small percent of people realize they can achieve this freedom.
Why? Because credit-card companies have educated consumers for years and this is why America is in debt.
No one will get out of debt listening to their credit card company.