Why Free Debt Advice Is The Best Debt Advice
First things first though the question of whether to pay for debt advice. If anyone does try to charge you for debt advice just politely turn your back and walk away. They're wasting your time. Don't let them try to waste your money too, especially if you haven't got any to waste. No credible debt management agency worth its salt will charge you for advice.
Then again just because the best advice is free advice don't be fooled into thinking that all free debt advice it really is impartial. After all doesnt everyone offer free debt advice? The question to ask yourself is is this free debt advice I'm getting, IVA advice for example, just a way of guiding me towards an inappropriate debt management product? Is it really debt advice that I can rely on and trust? Who am I speaking with? An experienced, well trained representative of an independent agency who can advise on my best course of action, or a salesperson whos trying to guide me towards the most lucrative commission?
Confused? You needn't be. There's plenty of impartial debt advice UK wide that can prove a great starting point in helping you manage your way out of financial trouble. From IVA advice, advice on bankruptcy, debt consolidation and Debt Relief Orders, there really is a wealth of knowledge and know-how out there.
At DAT we already deal with more than 100 people a day, offering them independent guidance and advice to help them get to grips with debt problems. Maybe we can help you too.