Penis Massage - Permanent Natural Solution For Erection Dysfunction
For this massage is a natural method advised and followed from many years.
Massage is a natural therapy that has been used since ancient times for better blood flow to all parts of the body.
It can also be used to increase the penis size and erection quality.
Massage can increase the blood flow to the organ and cleans the blood carrying vessels to increase the ability to hold the blood for longer duration that maintain the erection quality of penis for longer time.
Hence it is very important to massage your penis with proper techniques and herbal oil such as Mast Mood Oil that are free of side effects.
Below are some of the most effective massaging techniques which can really increase your penis size and erection quality.
Milking Technique One of the most common techniques used since ancient times are Milking (Jelqing) technique.
This technique resembles the milking motion of drawing milk from animals like cows and buffalos.
In this method you need to use your thumb and forefinger to surround the base.
Hold your penis with your left hand, apply little pressure and move forward towards the penile shaft.
After reaching the head, repeat the same process with the other hand.
Continue this process for 10 to 15 times a day to increase your penis size.
For best result use Mast Mood oil for this process.
This method increases the size of your penis by increasing the required blood flow through all the genitals.
Ballooning Technique Ballooning is another effective massaging technique used to attain longer erection.
This method beats the premature ejaculations and helps you to prolong your ejaculation.
You must know how to last longer in sex to perform this technique.
You need to hold your ejaculation 3 to 5 times in your sexual activity and control the flow of semen from your organ.
If you could be able to do this, you can benefit much with this penile ballooning technique.
When your male organ is erected, start massaging your penile shaft, pubis, base and scrotum with Mast Mood oil to increase the blood flow through all the genitals.
Hold back your ejaculation 3 to 5 times by which you will start to accelerate the metabolization of testosterone.
If you could practice this technique regularly, it will arouse growth in the Corpora Cavernosa, the spongy tissue that prolongs your ejaculation.
It needs much practice but once you are able to implement this technique you will experience better results.