Do the Hustle - Is Too Much Work Damaging Your Relationship?
" We all know the end of that phrase.
Too much work can strangle a relationship over time.
You spend less time together.
You have little energy for each other.
You're spread too thin, too far and too wide.
And the wicked side of hustlin' (working multiple jobs) is that quite often we do it to provide more for our families.
We work more so that there's more money which means more things, items and objects to provide our loved one.
And it seems like such a good idea.
To you and even to your other half.
However, there is the downside.
The long-term damage that overwork can do to your relationship is immeasurable.
You see less of each other which loosens the binding loving moments which build a strong foundation.
You're exhausted so there's likely to be little effort to do things together (anywhere from going out to making love.
) Finally, you've been working multiple jobs and dealing with multiple people which probably has left you short-tempered and ill-willed.
Stop and really evaluate if your working extra is truly benefiting your life or do you merely think it is? Does your relationship really need or even want the extra car that you believe is needed? Does your spouse really want you breaking your back, irritable and tired just to go on a vacation that neither of you will enjoy? While extra money is always appealing, look at what the extra hustle could be doing to your love life.
After all, that's why you're working.
Try hustlin' a little less and lovin' a lot more.