How to Get Your Ex Back - 3 Fast and Easy Tricks Which Will Make Your Ex Take You Back!
1- No contact for at least 2 weeks- If you want to get your ex back, you must do this.
No "if's, and's or but's" about it! If you do not do this, you will only make yourself look desperate, because I already know your dirty little secret: you have been calling your ex a zillion times.
Well my friend, that is annoying, so stop it! 2- Change- for some reason, people hate having to change these days, and it's the reason why your ex broke up with you.
He/she got bored of you, got sick of your same old habits, and got tired of the fact that you didn't change or become better.
So now what you are going to do, is look back at all of the stupid things you ever did around your ex, and change your bad habits, so that your ex can no longer feel repulsed by you.
3- Date someone your ex knows- Your ex really won't want you back, until he/she sees you with someone else.
You can become the greatest person on the planet, but your ex really will not care, until the threat of losing you is apparent.
That is why you need to date someone your ex knows, so that he/she becomes jealous instantly.
This trick will also make your ex suddenly feel the need to practically beg you back.