Home Remedies for Callus Removal
- Soak your foot or hand with the callus in Epsom salts to reduce swelling and soften the callus. According to PositiveHealthSteps.com, soaking your feet for 10 minutes twice a day will help get rid of your callus. Use a pumice stone after each soaking. You can do the soaking with warm, soapy water, which will also soften the callus for easy removal.
- Cut strips of pineapple peel and cover the callus completely. Tape the pineapple peel in place and leave it on for one week, changing when necessary. The enzymes and acid content of the fresh pineapple will remove the callus.
Apply oils on the callus area several times a day. Wheat germ oil, castor oil, sesame oil or olive oil will work well. Do this procedure several times a day for as many days as it takes to soften the callus. - Thoroughly wash and dry your hand or foot that has the callus before soaking in baking soda and water. Fill a large plastic container full of hot water, or use a foot spa, and add 1 tbsp. of baking soda. Soak your feet or hands for one-half hour and dry, leaving a little moisture on the hand or foot. The baking soda will soften the skin. Gently rub the affected area with a pumice stone. Do this treatment every day until the callus disappears. Moisturize your hand or foot with cream, covering it with either a glove or sock for several minutes for the cream to penetrate.
- Wear shoes that fit you properly and are very comfortable. Use over-the-counter pads in your shoes to protect the callus from pressure. Soak your feet every once in a while to relax them and keep the calluses away. Moisturize your feet with hand lotion daily to keep your skin soft. Wear gloves when working with tools and free weights.