How to Replant a Hybrid Lily
- 1). Pull weeds and any unwanted plants from the lily bed. Loosen the soil with a shovel in a planting area that is in full sunlight. This helps reduce soil compaction that has occurred over the winter.
- 2). Spread 2 to 3 inches of peat moss over the top of the soil. Work the peat moss in well to the depth of 10 inches. This improves the drainage and adds organic materials to the soil.
- 3). Level the soil with a rake and dig a hole 8 inches deep with a hand trowel. Place 1/2 inch of sand in the bottom of the hole to help prevent root rot.
- 4). Shake off the debris from winter storage from the hybrid lily bulb. Place the bulb in the hole with the root plate down. Plant the rest of the hybrid lilies 4 to 6 inches apart.
- 5). Cover the bulbs with soil and gently firm the soil over the top of the bulbs. Flood the area well with water to settle the soil and start the growing process. Spread 2 inches of wood chips over the hybrid lily bed to help preserve moisture and regulate the soil temperature.