Porn Causes Severe Premature Ejaculation
If you want to learn how to last longer and overcome premature ejaculation than this page may be the most important page that you read on this topic.
Pornography is without a doubt one of the worst things that men and women have been exposed to.
Now some may believe that I am saying this because of some religious or political reason but I am saying this because we have evidence of the damage that porn does to the brain.
The brain simply isn't made for the vast amounts of sexual stimulation that you get when you watch porn.
Here's why, the human sexual refractory period is up to 72 hours.
72 hours! If you masturbate once a day and you watch porn while you are doing it you will constantly be stuck in laziness and antisocial behavior.
A long time ago there was a guy who used to teach men how to meet women, and his first advice to everyone that would come to learn from him would be this.
"Quit Porn And Stop Masturbating!" Porn & masturbation cause antisocial behavior and they make your anxiety worse, which are all horrible things to deal with if you want to overcome premature ejaculation and last longer.
If you watch pornography on a consisted basis here's what can happen to you.
You can get erectile dysfunction due to desensitization.
What this means is that you watch porn so much that you don't find normal or every day women attractive anymore.
Your can't get "hard" when you want to have sex and this is just detrimental to your health and well being.
You may find that you are watching transsexual porn or some shocking and absurd porn just to get a kick.
Things that would have made you sick to your stomach before give you kicks now.
If you are at this point stop porn consumption now! 2.
Porn causes premature ejaculation and it ruins your ability to last longer in bed.
The way this happens is that your brain becomes very sensitive to any type of sexual stimulation, you get very nervous around women.
Porn causes massive amounts of anxiety and anxiety triggers premature ejaculation.
It ruins your willpower completely.
If you aren't able to get yourself to go to the gym, if you are falling behind in school.
If you aren't working as hard as you should and you have stopped going out to meet sexy women but you watch porn, then stop now! Porn literally destroys the pre-frontal cortex in your brain, this is the area of the brain where your willpower comes from.
If this is damaged or weakened, you can't control your own behavior.
You can't make yourself study or approach women, you can't make yourself go to the gym.
The easiest way to break your porn habits is by making a promise to yourself that you are never going to watch porn or masturbate again for at least 8 weeks.
If you cannot control your behavior install a K9 web filter to block all access to porn.
When 8 weeks pass you will have noticed a huge shift in your mood and in your anxiety levels.
You will suddenly get that urge to go out and have sex with hot beautiful women, you will not feel any anxiety when you have sex instead you will get impatient and very eager to have sex.
All your anxieties go away and you don't premature ejaculate.
When you cut out porn & excessive masturbation your sexual anxiety will start fading, your brain will get re-balanced and you will be able to overcome premature ejaculation really fast.