What Is a Fern Plant?
- Fern plants reproduce by a dust-like structure called spores. Different kinds of ferns have different patterns of spores on the bottom of the fern leaf.
- Fern plants grow in a variety of sizes, shapes, textures and colors. Some ferns are only a1 in. high and others are 30 ft. tall. Tropical tree ferns can grow as high as 80 ft.
- The leaves on Fern plants are called fronds and have two parts, the stipe and the main part of the leaf or leaf blade. Most fronds have hairs or scales to protect them from predators.
- Ferns grow in different habitats in many parts of the world such as deserts, swamps, woodlands, tropics and polar latitudes. Some species of ferns grow in arid or semiarid regions.
- Ferns are ideal for both indoor and outdoor gardening because they grow almost anywhere. They can be put in shade gardens, sun gardens, rock gardens and ponds. They also look nice in flower gardens even though they don't have flowers.