How to Make a Drag From Chain Link Fence
- 1). Lay the section of chain link fence, 4 feet wide by 6 feet long, on the ground. The overall length can be longer, but a 6-foot long piece is relatively easy to pull by hand.
- 2). Cut a piece of 3/8-inch rope to approximately 6 feet long.
- 3). Tie one end of the rope to the left side of the 4-foot width of the chain link fence. Tie the other end of the rope to the right side. Pull on the center of the rope. You should have a "V" shape.
- 4). Attach the remaining 9 feet of rope to the center of the "V" shape from Step 3. You can tie a loop at the end of the rope to use as a grip for your hands or to attach to a piece of machinery.