Mobile Home Furnaces
If you are considering buying a mobile home, you will be faced with some options regarding the type of mobile home furnace you wish to have.
Since you will be living with the choice for a long time to come, it's worth your time and effort to investigate the matter with some thoroughness.
While there are many similarities between mobile home furnaces and ordinary furnaces, they are not quite the same animals.
These furnaces are measured by different standards than are ordinary ones, and they are installed differently and have different demands.
Probably the biggest consideration to be accounted for is the type of fuel on which your furnace will operate.
With the predominance of mobile homes in the warm weather states where heating is not so much of a consideration as it is elsewhere, many people make the choice to live with an electric mobile home furnace.
Although electricity tends to be the most expensive heat source of the available options, an electric mobile home furnace has the advantage of being the simplest and generally most trouble free.
It requires just an adequate flow of power, whereas other types require more or less additional venting and plumbing in order to operate safely.
Where the anticipated amount of heating days will be limited, the added expense of the cost of electricity will be outweighed by the savings and convenience of the simple installation.
Space savings must also be considered to weigh in favor of the electric units.
In areas of the country where heating is more of a concern, options include natural (methane) gas or propane gas versus heating oil.
In some areas of the country the availability of each of these fuels varies, so be sure that you can get a reliable supply of your chosen fuel.
If you opt for an oil furnace or a propane furnace, be prepared for the expense of acquiring and having installed a tank to hold the fuel.
Some people are put off by the thought of having a potentially flammable or even explosive supply of fuel adjacent to their living space.
If you have concerns about this risk, opt for a natural gas or electric furnace.
If you intend to move into a mobile home community, it would be worth your while to ask around among the residents about their experience with their choices in furnaces.
You can expect to find furnaces from a range of manufacturers, and there's no teacher like experience.
If you find that some of these have more complaints than others, be guided accordingly.
Some time, thought and effort up front can save you a lot of expense and unpleasantness down the road, so make the commitment to do your research on mobile home furnaces while you have the chance.
Since you will be living with the choice for a long time to come, it's worth your time and effort to investigate the matter with some thoroughness.
While there are many similarities between mobile home furnaces and ordinary furnaces, they are not quite the same animals.
These furnaces are measured by different standards than are ordinary ones, and they are installed differently and have different demands.
Probably the biggest consideration to be accounted for is the type of fuel on which your furnace will operate.
With the predominance of mobile homes in the warm weather states where heating is not so much of a consideration as it is elsewhere, many people make the choice to live with an electric mobile home furnace.
Although electricity tends to be the most expensive heat source of the available options, an electric mobile home furnace has the advantage of being the simplest and generally most trouble free.
It requires just an adequate flow of power, whereas other types require more or less additional venting and plumbing in order to operate safely.
Where the anticipated amount of heating days will be limited, the added expense of the cost of electricity will be outweighed by the savings and convenience of the simple installation.
Space savings must also be considered to weigh in favor of the electric units.
In areas of the country where heating is more of a concern, options include natural (methane) gas or propane gas versus heating oil.
In some areas of the country the availability of each of these fuels varies, so be sure that you can get a reliable supply of your chosen fuel.
If you opt for an oil furnace or a propane furnace, be prepared for the expense of acquiring and having installed a tank to hold the fuel.
Some people are put off by the thought of having a potentially flammable or even explosive supply of fuel adjacent to their living space.
If you have concerns about this risk, opt for a natural gas or electric furnace.
If you intend to move into a mobile home community, it would be worth your while to ask around among the residents about their experience with their choices in furnaces.
You can expect to find furnaces from a range of manufacturers, and there's no teacher like experience.
If you find that some of these have more complaints than others, be guided accordingly.
Some time, thought and effort up front can save you a lot of expense and unpleasantness down the road, so make the commitment to do your research on mobile home furnaces while you have the chance.