The Scaffold Knot
- The scaffold knot has its origins in the gallows, but it is currently used in outdoor sports. The knot can fit over a bar, tree branch or railing. It can tighten to fit around any object. When camping, an adjustable knot like this can be used to secure food high in a tree to protect it from wildlife. The loop portion would attach to your cooler and the standing portion would be looped over a tree branch and secured where you can easily reach it.
- On a smaller scale, the scaffold knot can also be used to tie hooks to fishing lines. This knot is specifically used in fishing for flathead catfish. Flathead catfish have a long head and a strong bite, so sturdy knots like the scaffold knot prevent slippage and breakage. The loop created by the knot would connect the fishing hook to your fishing line.
- Create a loop on one end of the rope, which will attach to your fishing hook, branch or any other anchor. Bring the end around the back of the standing portion of the rope. Loop the end in front of the standing portion of the rope and around the top of first loop. Loop the end around behind and below the standing portion of the rope. Push the end through all of the loops and tighten. The working end will be short and point away from the first loop.
- A scaffold knot can kill someone if looped around the neck. Even if the knot is not tied tightly, it can still be sturdy enough to strangle someone.