How to Get Onion Seed
- 1). Start onion seeds indoors about 30 days prior to planting so that the seeds have sprouted. Set them in a shallow tray of dirt, plant seeds about ½ inch deep, about one inch apart and place tray under grow lights, or in sunny window. Keep soil moist, but not saturated. You can also direct seed into the ground.
- 2). Sow onion seedlings or seeds in early spring as soon as danger of frost has past in a sunny location. Let onion plants grow until the top falls over, around mid-summer. Clip off tops to four inches and remove onions from ground. Store the onions in a cool, dry place (try a dry basement or cellar) until late fall. Make sure temperature is below 60 degrees, or the bulbs will sprout.
- 3). Replant onion bulbs in the late fall, cover with about one inch of soil, and space them about 12 inches apart. Choose larger bulbs for better seed production. Mulch heavily with a six-inch layer of straw or raked leaves so that they survive cold temperatures.
- 4). Remove mulch in early spring and allow onion plants to grow. Onion plants will send up a flowering stalk, producing beautiful clusters of flowers on top of the stalk mid to late summer. Allow the flowers to dry, checking frequently that the seeds have not begun to drop. Cut off the seed pods carefully and place in a paper bag. Store in a cool, dry place for two to three weeks. The seeds are small and brownish-black.
- 5). The seeds will mature, becoming brownish-black. Remove the seeds from the pods and place in an envelope. You can then use those seeds to start your onions the following spring.