African Baobab Tree Information
- The baobab tree is sometimes known as the "upside-down tree" due to its massive, cylindrical trunk, short branches and deep, far-ranging root system that makes it appear to have been planted upside-down, according to PlantzAfrica. The smooth trunk of the baobab can reach a diameter of 60 feet. Its branches grow up to 75 feet tall and are pinkish gray or copper in color. Leaves grow to 5 inches long with three to seven leaflets. The tree bears sweet-scented 5- to 7-inch drooping flowers on long stems; the pulpy fruit is 6 to 10 inches long and 4 inches wide. The tree can go for long periods of time without water, and when it finally dies, it collapses from inside rot into a pile of fibrous material. The species was named after Michael Adanson, a naturalist who discovered the tree in Senegal, Africa, in 1750.
- The tree is held in high regard by locals because of its many practical uses. They hollow out the large trunks for use as a shelter, storage area or water reservoir, and the bark is used to make functional items such as fishnets, cords, sacks and clothing, and also for flavoring food. The leaves of the tree are used as a leavening product and are eaten as a vegetable. The seeds taste like cream of tartar and are a valuable source of Vitamin C when pounded and eaten in times when other foods are scarce. Necklaces, glue, rubber and medicines are made from various parts of the baobab tree.
- The baobab tree is the traditional meeting place for African community members to exchange information, share news and discuss problems. The tree's wide-spreading branches offer shelter from the sun and rain, and encourage conversation and interaction. The tree's longevity makes it a familiar landmark in community life.
- The African baobab also has significance as a religious symbol. As one of the longest-lived trees -- some carbon-dated back 2,000 years, according to Ohio State University -- it is associated with the divine and eternal. Almost every part of the tree is used, elevating its importance as a gift from God for the survival of the community. The large, hollowed-out trunks are used as burial chambers, and the tree is often used as a backdrop in African stories that convey moral principles.