Cleome Hassleriana Toxicity
- No record of cleome toxicity appears in either the Cornell University or the Penn State databases of poisonous plants. In addition, the plant is not mentioned in Texas A&M's list of common poisonous plants. The USDA fact sheet for Cleome hassleriana makes no mention of toxicity.
- Common sense tells us that even through no record of toxicity for spider plant can be found, it's still good to take precautions in gardens accessible to pets and small children, especially if you use insecticides or fungicides in your garden. If you suspect your child or pet has eaten the plant, or notice a rash after you've handled it, call your local poison control center for advice.
- Besides this species, seeds and plants of several cultivars are commonly available. Seeds of the species produce a mix of white, pink and purple flowers, but the variety Helen Campbell is all white. Sparkler Blush is a shorter plant with pink flowers.