Get a Bigger Penis With Hand Exercises - 9" Erections Are Possible (Questions Answered)
They buy pills, pumps, and creams and none of them work, so they look for something legitimate.
There are only two methods on the face of the planet that get results.
The first is a medical procedure and it has tons of risk and can't even get you that big.
The other is hand exercises and they can get you permanently larger.
How do hand exercises work exactly to get a huge erection? What they do is massage the soft tissue from the base of the penis all the way up to right under the head.
This creates expansion and elongation, getting guys both longer and thicker.
The reason why this is even possible is because your manhood is not a muscle, it is actually a group of soft tissues, ligaments, and blood vessels.
These body components can be made larger and they will stay at their new increased size without continued maintenance.
There is nothing else that can do this, don't fall for the frauds.
Do these get you harder or allow you last longer? These were not originally developed to allow you to last longer or get harder.
However, once men started sharing their experiences with one another, they all said that the were getting harder.
There are also ways to add certain variations to these to last longer as well.
Many men have mastered simultaneous orgasms with these, which women love.