Are Testosterone Boosters an Effective Bodybuilding Supplement?
Another type of testosterone booster helps your recovery efforts and while it increases testosterone, it decreases cortisol, making your stress lower, too. This supplement helps your body take the protein you eat and turn it into muscle for you. It helps your body burn fat for fuel, so that it doesn't deteriorate your muscle whenever you're cutting calories for weight loss as well.
There are some testosterone boosters that specifically reduce estrogen, so that the body naturally begins to improve production of testosterone. When the testosterone increases and cortisol decreases, you'll get a more intense workout and your muscles won't be as sore afterwards, which is perfect since you'll be lifting more weight.
Most bodybuilders will cycle on and off testosterone supplements. They don't stay on them indefinitely. Generally, it's a 6-8 week cycle, but each product and person taking them is different, so be sure to decide based on the directions.
There are some testosterone supplements that are herbal in nature, and in addition to helping you build your muscles, it also boosts your sex drive. A nice side effect is that it alleviates headaches and protects liver function.
Male Factor 1000 is a herbal testosterone supplement you can try which contains a proprietary blend of oat extract with nettle, ginseng, calcium and Vitamin C. A beneficial side effect is the immunity protection it offers.
You don't want to take a bunch of testosterone supplements at once. Give one product a try and see how it affects you – in a positive and negative way. Once you find one that works, you can stay on it until it's time to cycle off again.
Some bodybuilding trainers like to cycle off one testosterone supplement and then try another one, so that their bodies don't get accustomed to taking one particular item. Just make sure you know the correct cycle time for each product that you try.